

联邦PLUS贷款 (PLUS loans) are credit-based federal government loans that must 有利息偿还. The U.S. 教育部是贷款人. Students are required to be enrolled at least half time (6 hours for undergraduate students 研究生5小时). 学生必须完成 免费申请联邦学生资助 资格. For more information visit the Federal Student Aid page about 联邦PLUS贷款



Yes. Although the FAFSA must be completed, PLUS borrowers must also complete a 联邦PLUS贷款申请. An FSA ID 这个过程需要什么.

  • a U.S. citizen AND
  • a legal parent (or step-parent listed on the FAFSA) of a dependent student OR
  • 研究生
NOTE: Legal parents of dependent students may borrow a Federal Parent PLUS Loan. Graduate students may borrow a Graduate Federal PLUS Loan (Grad PLUS loan). 

  1. 完成FAFSA.
  2. 访问联邦学生贷款网站.
  3. 使用您的FSA ID登录.
  4. 点击请求联邦PLUS贷款.
    • Click Parent PLUS if you are the legal parent of a dependent student
    • 如果您是研究生,请单击Graduate PLUS
  5. 完成PLUS申请.
  6. You will be notified immediately if you have been denied due to adverse credit history.
  7. 完成PLUS主本票.
  8. Complete the PLUS entrance counseling ONLY if you are applying for a Grad PLUS loan.
NOTE: Credit checks and Federal PLUS Loan approval are only valid for 180 days.

“软”信用检查将由美国银行执行.S. 在PLUS上的教育部 申请提交. A borrower can be denied if they have an adverse credit history. However, the 信用检查 for a Federal PLUS Loan will be more lenient than a traditional 信用检查. If the borrower is 研究生, that borrower must meet the standard 申请联邦援助的资格标准. 如果借款人是受抚养人的合法父母 student, that student must meet the standard eligibility for federal aid.

你可以选择找一个担保人. 如果你选择这样做,你的担保人 必须创建FSA ID以电子方式完成 背书人齿顶. The Federal PLUS Loan may only be awarded up to the endorsed amount. 你也可以 选择对信用决定提出上诉. 菲律宾十大网赌网站和申诉说明 the credit decision will be provided in the denial notification. 如果合法父母 of a dependent student is denied a Federal Parent PLUS Loan due to adverse credit history (and does not wish to pursue an endorser or appeal the credit decision) or lack of U.S. citizenship, that student may request additional Federal Direct Unsubsidized 贷款资金达到独立学生限额. 这通常是一个额外的 一学年4000美元. See 联邦直接贷款欲知详情.
If 研究生 borrower is denied, no additional federal funding is available.

是的,有年费限制. 然而,限制取决于学生 出勤费用(COA) 以及学生可能得到的任何其他援助. 学生可以获得联邦PLUS Loan funds up to their COA minus any other aid the student is receiving. For more 学生可以访问他们的信息 My.UAFS account for their specific COA and to view their current financial aid award package. There are no aggregate limits to how much a PLUS borrower may borrow.
NOTE: 有关联邦贷款的更多信息,请访问 私人联邦学生贷款页面 或访问UAFS财政援助办公室

联邦PLUS贷款 enter repayment 60 days after the last disbursement of that PLUS loan UNLESS 借款人要求校内延期. 这是PLUS应用程序上的一个选项. PLUS借款人也可以要求宽限期. 这将显示为一个选项 the PLUS application if the borrower chooses an In-School Deferment. 如果PLUS借款人 chooses the In-School Deferment and the grace period options on the PLUS application, repayment for the PLUS loan will operate just as the 联邦直接贷款.


Although you may select or be assigned a repayment plan when you first begin repaying your student loan, you can change repayment plans at any time for free. 联系你的 loan servicer if you would like to discuss repayment plan options or change your repayment plan. 
You can get information about all of the federal student loans you have received and find the servicer for your loans by logging in to "My Federal Student Aid" through the 联邦学生援助网站. If you have loans with more than one servicer or any outstanding FFEL loans, you 也可以考虑合并你的联邦贷款. 
You'll find some of the most common repayment plans listed below. 
还款计划 符合条件的贷款 每月付款和时间框架 快速比较/需求
Payments are a fixed amount of at least $50 per month for up to 10 years You pay less interest for your loan over time under this plan.
Payments are lower at first and then generally increase every two years for up to 10 years You pay more for your loan over time than under the 10-year standard plan
Your monthly payments are lower than the 10-year standard plan, but you will pay more over time than you will under the 10-year standard plan.
If you are a direct loan borrower or FFEL borrower, you must have more than $30,000 在未偿还的直接贷款和成为一个新的借款人.
Consolidation Loans (Direct or FFEL) that do not include Direct or FFEL PLUS Loans 致父母
Maximum monthly payments will be 15 percent of discretionary income.**付款将 根据你的收入进行调整,最长可达25年.
Your monthly payments will be lower than payments under the 10-year standard plan.
You'll pay more for your loan over time than under the 10-year standard plan.
If you have not repaid your loan in full after making the equivalent of 25 years of qualifying monthly payments, any outstanding loan balance will be forgiven, although 你可能要为被免除的部分缴纳所得税.

**Difference between adjusted gross income and 150 percent of the poverty guideline for your family size and state of residence (Other conditions may apply.


UAFS partners with Great Lakes Educational Loan Services to provide access to FastChoice, 一个易于使用的教育贷款搜索引擎. FastChoice并没有提供详尽的信息 list of all alternative loan lenders, nor a preferred lender list.

UAFS does not guarantee your satisfaction with the services and products provided 任何贷款人. Loan product disclosures can be found on each lender's application/website. If the lender has provided UAFS with a copy of its disclosure, it can be found on My.UAFS.

你,学生,是 not 要求使用此列表上的贷方之一. 如果你喜欢用不同的 lender, you will have to contact them directly to determine what the application process 是为了他们的机构.

If you elect to use a different lender, they may send certification requests to FinAid@hebhgkq.com 或传真479-788-7095.

美国联邦法规第34条第601条.1(d)和34 CFR 668.1965年《菲律宾十大网赌网站》第14(b)(29)条 states that alternative lenders and institutions of higher education must provide 您带一份自我证明表格的复印件. 大多数贷款人在他们的 应用程序,或者你可以在这里下载.